The Green Your Noise Calculator Stages
- Gathers information regarding your event or project, including venue size, attendance, transportation and more.
- Deduces the amount of carbon produced in each of these areas. These calculations draw on national averages regarding things such as power usage and transport and are rough estimates instead of exact figures.
- Calculates total estimated carbon emissions produced through your project in tonnes.
- Connects you with offset groups and environmental organisations, offering a few courses of action to ‘green your practice’, as well as linking to other eco-friendly tips for creatives.
Learn more about carbon offsetting here.
The Green Your Noise calculator is not carbon neutral certified, but does provide a way to gauge rough emissions and contribute towards offsetting these.
Carbon calculation and carbon offsetting are complex processes, from calculating the factors that create the carbon dioxide to determining the cost required to offset them. Our calculator aims to make this process as straightforward as possible, which is why it uses estimates when determining carbon emissions produced.
Carbon offsetting is a strategy that sequesters or reduces carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere, to compensate for the creation of carbon elsewhere. For example, the energy and resources required to run a festival creates a certain amount of carbon dioxide, but allocating some funds to a carbon offset initiative can mitigate this impact. Read more here.
Carbon offsetting is just one method of reducing carbon emissions and being sustainable in your creative practice. Think of it as one tool in your sustainability toolbox. Ideally, it will be combined with other tools and techniques, such as green riders and eco-friendly merchandise (see our Gigging Green tips here).